Cochlear implants: solving your hearing disorders


When hearing aids are no longer effective or when hearing loss affects only one ear, cochlear implants can be used to restore normal hearing. This treatment is also an option for patients with hearing loss in only one ear. Cochlear implants are a possible treatment option for deaf and hard-of-hearing people that could improve their overall quality of life.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) permits using cochlear implants in infants as young as nine months; however, the device may also be used off-label in infants younger than this age. Cochlear implants are meant to assist deaf and hard-of-hearing neonates and infants, which is routine in other parts of the world.

The components of a cochlear implant are both external and internal to the recipient’s body. Behind the ear, an incision is made to permit the subcutaneous implantation of the receiver and the electrode array. When the electrode array is turned on, the cochlear-based auditory nerve gets a small amount of stimulation.

  • You will require a battery, a coil or cable, a microphone, and a speech processor. It is essential to possess accessories. Currently, the microphone is catching the sounds in this location. Ambient noise is converted into a digital format by speech processors.
  • The signal is transferred to the transmitting coil after travelling through the cable to finish its journey.
  • Receptacle: the message is decoded after the signal has been picked up by the implant under the skin and turned into electrical energy.
  • Electrodes: a cochlear implant has a set of electrodes that are meant to stimulate the auditory nerve and help people with hearing loss hear again.
  • Sensation: when the hearing nerve is stimulated, the feeling of sound is sent to the brain, which figures out what it means.

Hearing aids vs. cochlear implants

It is possible for hearing loss to result in reduced listening volume or distorted sounds. Hearing devices cannot remedy the problem of noise-induced distortion. The loudness levels of hearing aids have been increased to provide better help to those with hearing loss. In environments with significant background noise, hearing aids may be ineffective, but a cochlear implant can send sound directly to the auditory nerve. This is a benefit of cochlear implants.

Time, perseverance, and continuous practise will be required if you want the cochlear implant to allow you to hear as you desire. The assistance needed to participate in rehabilitation and aftercare programmes is really important for the patients.

Evaluation of cochlear implants

To determine whether or not surgery is required, cochlear implant evaluations compare the patient’s performance with properly fitted hearing aids to the outcomes of further tests. The examination procedure never necessitated surgical intervention at any point. To determine whether a patient is a viable candidate for an implant, FDA-approved tests should be employed. Collaboration with the patient, the patient’s family, and the staff of medical experts from several disciplines is needed to determine the treatment method that will provide the most significant benefit to the patient. Because the care of the patient is a priority.

If the test reveals that you do not meet the standards for a cochlear implant, a plan for your hearing care should be made. The case could be revaluated if the patient’s hearing changes or if the FDA decides to impose additional limits. To measure the effectiveness of cochlear implants, the following characteristics are considered:

  • Accessible: an initial assessment may take anywhere from a half-hour to three-quarters of an hour to complete. Your hearing will be evaluated with and without the use of amplification devices. Counseling for hearing loss and cochlear implantation will be discussed, as well as their distinct advantages and disadvantages.
  • There are numerous scale-related considerations. Those who need a more thorough evaluation of their inner ear balance are referred to specialists. Those who have problems maintaining their equilibrium are those who, with the help of this research, can make an informed decision regarding which ear to implant and whether one or both ears have an equivalent hearing capacity. An implant would be placed in the patient’s skull to replace the less reliable balance system of the inner ear.
  • Evaluation before any form of surgical intervention. To establish if you are a suitable candidate for a cochlear implant, a surgeon will need to undergo an otoscopic examination. The surgeon will begin by discussing the procedure, then inform the patient of any potential risks, and finally address any concerns the patient may have. The middle and inner sections of your ears can be examined with greater precision using an MRI or CT scan.
  • If you are getting a cochlear implant, it is highly advised that you get the meningitis vaccine, and you can get it on the same day as your consultation if you wish to save time.
  • Evaluations that take into account the individual’s mental condition and cognitive ability. Patients with below-average cognitive test scores are referred to neurologists at PNI for additional assessment. The company’s principal focus as a manufacturer of surgical devices is cochlear implants. Because of this, we constantly recommend to the clients we serve that they carefully choose the firm or organisation with which they will spend the remainder of their lives.

Cochlear implant procedure

The patient will have an incision made behind the ear, and the cochlear implant procedure, which can be performed as an outpatient procedure, will take between one and two hours. Following treatment, the patient will recover in the comfort of their own home. To gain access to the inner ear, a hole must be drilled in the mastoid bone. The electrode array is the component of a cochlear implant that is responsible for transferring electrical impulses to the auditory nerve. Within only a few days after surgery, most patients can resume their daily activities. In most cases, patients see their doctors for follow-up appointments between two and four weeks after surgery. After three weeks, the audiologist will initiate the activation procedure for the surgical device to make it operational. During this timeframe, the oedema and the incision will begin to reduce.

Outcomes may be anticipated following the implantation of a cochlear implant.

To get the most out of your cochlear implant, you must exert effort, exercise patience, and give it time. The recipient typically describes being treated to a robotic voice, beeps, or static during the activation visit. This occurs pretty regularly. Normal! Most individuals with cochlear implants report experiencing considerable advantages three months after surgery. The majority of the time, the sound quality will improve following each session spent working with an audiologist on programming or mapping. Following the activation of your hearing aid, you will have follow-up sessions with your audiologist one, three, and six months later. After that, you will meet with them annually or more frequently if it is found that you need it.

Cochlear implant recipients must participate actively in their future auditory therapy and rehabilitation. You will be able to regain your footing with our support. In addition, we can organise in-person or online appointments with our linked auditory-verbal therapists to build an effective treatment plan. You and your family will undergo the cochlear implant treatment together. Hearing impairment and cochlear implants affect the patient and the patient’s family members. An expert will handle any necessary therapy or follow-up appointments following implantation.